For Texas history buffs, San Antonio is a mecca. Native Americans
first lived along the San Antonio River, calling the area
"Yanaguana," which means "refreshing waters,"
or "clear waters." A band of Spanish explorers and
missionaries came upon the river in 1691, and because it was
the feast day of St. Anthony, they named the river "San
Antonio." The actual founding of the city came in 1718
by Father Antonio Olivares, when he established Mission San
Antonio de Valero, which became permanently etched in the
annals of history in 1836 as The Alamo where 189 defenders
held the old mission against some 4,000 Mexican troops for
13 days.
The cry "Remember the Alamo" became the rallying
point of the Texan revolution against Mexico. Located in the
heart of downtown, today The Alamo is a shrine and museum.
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