On the surface, Midland appears a calm oasis. But this area
has been teeming with life since prehistoric times. Midland
was bustling with activity underwater during the Permian
Sea era, continuing through the years as a gathering site
for Indians, cattle, cowboys, the railroad and cotton farmers,
and to the present day with oil and gas entrepreneurs and
high technology call centers.
Today, while Midland continues as a center for the oil and
gas industry, a new life is emerging. The economy is diversifying,
edging away from ranching and farming, and heading into the
21st century with high technology companies. Call centers,
such as Cingular Wireless and Accutel, have located regional
offices in the Tall City.
From tiny plant life swimming through the seas millions of
years ago to todays high technology experts, Midland
hasnt skipped a heartbeat of life.
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Texas auto insurance.
Texas Insurance Zone can help you quickly determine the Midland
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