Houston is the fourth most populous city in the
nation (trailing only New York, Los Angeles and Chicago),
and is the largest in the southern U.S. and Texas.
Founded in 1836, the City of Houston has a 2003 estimated
population of 2.01 million.
The metro area's population of 4.8 million is 10th largest
among U.S. metropolitan statistical areas.
Each year more than 38 million people zip in and out of Houston's
two major airports.
Houstonians eat out more than residents of any other city.
While here you can choose to indulge in one of the more than
11,000 restaurants ranging from award-winning and upscale
to memorable deli shops.
More than 90 languages are spoken throughout the Houston area.
Houston Texas home insurance rates are based on the outstanding
fire record of the Houston Texas Fire Department.
Houston has professional teams representing every major sport.
Houston is home to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The
largest rodeo in the world, it attracts more than 1.8 million
visitors each year.
Houston has a young population; 37 percent of Houstonians
are 24 years old or younger and 34 percent are between the
ages of 25 and 44.
Houston is home to the Texas Medical Center, the largest medical
center in the world, with a local economic impact of $10 billion.
More than 52,000 people work within its facilities, which
encompass 21 million square feet. Altogether 4.8 million patients
visit them each year.
The Port of Houston ranks as the nation's largest port in
international tonnage and second in total tonnage.
Texas Insurance Zone can help you quickly determine the Houston
home insurance rates, Houston Texas insurance prices, dwelling
coverage and insurance policy programs that are right for
