Some things you should know about Austin before shopping
for Austin auto insurance.
Originally a
buffalo hunting ground favored by Tonkawa Indians, Austin
was permanently settled in 1838 as a trading post. Now, more
than a million people live in the city named for Stephen F.
Austin, who colonized Texas.
The Texas State Capitol, an imposing pink
granite structure, commands a stately presence in downtown.
Actually 14 feet taller than the nation's capitol, the Texas
Statehouse is the largest domed statehouse in the country.
Many of the city's cultural resources
are found on the campus of the University of Texas, where the
Blanton Museum of Art opens a new facility in 2005.
The Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum,
also located on campus, remains the most visited of the nation's
presidential libraries. A scale replica of the Oval Office,
artifacts from Air Force One, and volumes of official papers
chronicle the rise of a young man who would be president from
Central Texas.
Smart Austin, Texas residents are wise to
check on their Austin car insurance rates often, as rates
vary from year to year. Texas Insurance Zone can help you
save money on Austin auto insurance.
Texas Insurance
Zone can help you quickly determine the auto insurance rates,
car insurance prices, vehicle coverage and insurance policy
programs that are right for you.
