Located in the Texas Panhandle and bordered by New Mexico
and Oklahoma, Amarillo was first settled in 1887. The name,
Amarillo, was taken from the Spanish language meaning "yellow,"
because of the color of the sub-soil in the channel of the
Amarillo Creek. In the early days, most of the houses were
painted yellow to commemorate the name.
Amarillo city officials are excited about such plans as a
new national research laboratory to devise peaceful uses for
plutonium and the relocation of two aerospace firms into the
area is also adding to the optimism of Amarillo's future.
Health-care related business growth will be fueled by Texas
Tech University's newly opened pharmacy school and the possibility
that a children's hospital may be added to the 450-acre regional
medical center complex.
The leaders of Amarillo see nothing but expanded and continued
growth for our city. They invite you to come see the beautiful
sunsets, join us in a bright future and become a part of our
The Texas Panhandle is one of the safest places in Texas
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reflect this safety with low cost pricing.
Texas Insurance Zone can help you quickly determine the Amarillo
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